Basic requirement for physicians – MD
- 50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ or equivalent biennially
- If an initial license was issued for less than 13 months, only 25 hours must be completed
Requirement for Physicians and Surgeons in the Subject of Pain Management and the Treatment of Terminally Ill and Dying Patients
- Physicians and surgeons (except pathologists and radiologists) must complete a one-time 12-hour CME course in pain management and the treatment of terminally ill and dying patients. This course must also include the subject of the risks of addiction associated with the use of Schedule II drugs
Requirement for Geriatrics for General Internists and Family Physicians
- General internists and family physicians with over 25% of patients 65 years of age or older, are required to complete a minimum of 20% of their mandatory CME in the field of geriatric medicine
- All other physicians are encouraged to take a course in geriatric medicine, including geriatric pharmacology, as part of their mandatory CME
Click here to verify your state’s licensing requirements
Basic requirement for physicians – DO
- 100 hours within the two-year period, 40 of which must be AOA Category 1-A or 1-B or equivalent biennially